Classical homeopathy is a health system that matches a remedy to the individual’s physical and emotional disturbance to eliminate or reduce the susceptibility for that condition.

Holistic Approach
The special characteristic of homeopathy is that in case taking all aspects of the client are of interest. A client isn’t a cardiac case or a respiratory case but an individual with a totality of symptoms. The remedy is matched to that totality; with the presenting complaint(s), the food preferences, the sleep pattern, the dreams, the personality, and the family medical history considered.
Rather than mask or suppress symptoms, homeopathic remedies work to support the ‘vital force’ which when compromised results in physical or mental/emotional imbalance. We are an energy system and when the life force is out of balance symptoms of disease will occur. Remedies work to support the vital force so that these medical conditions do not arise. Susceptibility recognizes that not all people are vulnerable to the same conditions. For instance in a class room not all children will get the current affliction, whether it is school sores, influenza or head lice. Only those who are susceptible to that particular condition will express symptoms of it. Remedies work to reduce the susceptibility to disease.

Homeopathy is natural, effective and sustainable
There are no barriers to its use and everybody can benefit from it. This includes babies, toddlers, infants, teenagers, adults and our older citizens. Potency of the remedies is chosen for the degree of illness in the client. For very ill patients a low, gentle dose is selected, whereas for more dynamic patients a higher potency can be used. As with the remedy selection, the potency choice is also tailored to the individual.
Popular choice of therapy worldwide
Homeopathy has been with us for over 200 years and today it is a popular choice of therapy worldwide. In India, USA, France, Germany and Switzerland homeopathy is extremely popular. In Japan homeopathy was used following the disaster of Fukushima in 2010. With the growing sensitivity to and overuse of anti-biotics worldwide it is reassuring to know that there are alternatives for use in restoring good health.
Use of remedies
Remedies are made from micro-dilutions of plant, animal or mineral material. Remedies are only prescribed for as long as they are effective. Once that remedy has completed its action, another one may be selected based on the individualisation of the case. Homeopathic pilules have no taste and they are not addictive. Administration to babies and children is straightforward because there is no taste, and as either liquid doses or tiny pilules the remedies are easy to administer. Remedies do not cause side effects, however if there has been suppression of a medical condition (e.g. eczema) that condition may intensify before it gets better.
Origin of Homeopathy
Classical homeopathy was established by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a medical doctor who was disillusioned by the poor results of medical practice in his day, particularly the practice of bloodletting and the use of toxic substances such as mercury and arsenic. He abandoned medicine and started translating research documents. While translating a research paper of Scottish doctor, William Cullen, Hahnemann challenged Cullen’s hypothesis that cinchona cured malaria because of its astringent properties. Hahnemann countered that if that were the case then all substances with astringent properties would have the same result. He took some cinchona and developed malarial type symptoms. His conclusion was that if a substance could produce symptoms in a healthy person then could they not cancel them out in a sick person. His hypothesis was that ‘Like cures like’ and from that homeopathy was born. He, with his students and colleagues went on to systematically prove and record the results of over 120 substances and published this research in his Materia Medica.
His philosophy includes the following aspects: do no harm, give a single remedy at one time (as the substances were proven singly), and to give the lowest dose necessary to afford a gentle, positive response.
Since Hahnemann’s time provings have been carried out on other substances and today there are over 3,000 remedies. The wide range of remedies allows the homeopath to match remedies to age-old complaints and more contemporary medical conditions.
Contact me
027 413 0761
Clinic hours
Evenings and weekends: By arrangement